Hacking into a VK account
Program for hacking online VK
You can find quite a wide variety of programs for hacking accounts on the Internet. They have different principles of action, different interfaces, speed and efficiency. And while the algorithms on which such software is implemented do not matter much to the end user, the high speed and fault tolerance are exactly what make some tools especially popular.

Online hacking of VK accounts: existing tools
To understand how these or those programs work and what results they can provide, you need to know their principle of operation. This is how we will divide the most popular programs for online hacking of VK.
Password matching
The most popular method of online hacking of VK is considered to be picking passwords. It can be done in three ways:
- According to the dictionary - the program uses assumed passwords and methodically goes through them. It is considered the least effective option, since users have learned to use rather complex passwords in recent years.
- The brute-force method - provides a wider search area than the previous option, as it includes a huge database of standard passwords. But, like the above method, it also rarely yields a positive result.
- Using rainbow tables - provides for converting a password hash into an adequate character set. Used only when it is possible to get the same password hash. Not suitable for cracking systems that use complex encryption algorithms.
Such programs as Cifrolom, VkEditor and VkHacker have been implemented based on the above password recovery methods. And if ten years ago they could show high results, now, when every child knows how to make up passwords correctly, password matching becomes ineffective.

Spyware is software that monitors all actions performed from a target device, including collecting stored logins and passwords (for example, Vkracker 6 Black Edition). Spyware can also work as a message interceptor, redirecting all messages received by the target to a mobile number tied to the program. The most famous examples of such applications are Vzlomovod Elite and Vzlomovod Lite.
For an experienced PC user their installation and setup usually does not cause any difficulties, but if a person is used to going to a service center even to update drivers, he will hardly be able to quickly deal with spyware. Another significant disadvantage of such solutions is the need to gain access, at least for a short time, to the computer or laptop from which a person usually accesses social networks.
Online URL hacking of VK
It is worth noting that this method includes the services of hackers. But finding honest and responsible specialists in this field is a very delicate matter. Therefore, if you do not have friends engaged in such activities, it is better to use another way to gain access to the target account.
Hacking VK by URL is a method that allows you to get full information about the user's activity in the social network, knowing only the address of the page in VK. That is, you only need to open an online application, enter the account data and after a while get the information you are interested in. This is how the VKTracker program works.

Stages of work
- Registration in the personal cabinet
- Entering a landing page URL
- Waiting for successful completion of the session
- Targeted information gathering process
- Downloading a custom archive
The application connects to the subscriber's phone network, intercepts the system password with the verification code, logs into the target account on a remote server and collects all the necessary information.
Using the SS7 protocol vulnerability allows you to guarantee fast results and preservation of anonymity. All work is done autonomously and does not involve the installation and configuration of any additional programs.